2016 Headlights Workshop on Frontiers in Wireless Connectivity

Frontiers in Wireless Connectivity
Tuesday, April 5, 2016 - 8:00am to Thursday, April 7, 2016 - 3:55pm
Huang Engineering Center, Stanford University
Abstract / Description: 

The 2016 SystemX Headlights Workshop focuses on advances in wireless technologies and their applications.

The opening day covers the evolving wireless communications technology itself (5G, Wi-Fi, PAN/BAN) and their arising new challenges: efficient spectrum use, the movement to higher frequencies of operation, challenges in concurrency. We are honored to have Dr. Chih-Lin I, China Mobile's Chief Scientist of Wireless Technologies, lead off that day with a keynote talk.

The second day topics are on the deployment, proliferation of wireless connectivity.  Sessions will cover the rapidly developing wireless infrastructure, the emergence of new connected devices/new services, and some of the system technology challenges both have created.  We are delighted to have Dr. Ken Stewart, Intel's Chief Wireless Technologist for Mobility, open the second day with a keynote.  We are ending the conference with a panel on deployment opportunities and challenges that includes Dr. Craig Barratt, responsible for Access and Energy at Google; and Vijay Sammeta, San Jose’s CIO.


Please contact us for more information.

DAY 1 • Technical Program
9:00 5G: Era of Rethinking Fundamentals Dr. Chih-Lin I. (China Mobile) Member Content
Session: State of Our Art
Chair: Rick Bahr (Stanford)
10:15 5G Coding, Modulation, and Multiple Access Dr. Joseph Soriaga (Qualcomm) Member Content
10:45 Innovation in Wi-Fi Dr. Adrian Stephens (Intel) Member Content
11:15 WPAN in the Era of Industrial IoT Carl Temme (Cisco) Member Content
Session: Efficient Use of Spectrum
Chair: Ali Khayrallah
1:30 Spectrum: Innovation and Sharing Dr. Kumar Balachandran (Ericsson) Member Content
2:00 Wireless Investment for Impact Mark Rich (Google) Member Content
2:30 OTFS–A New Modulation Scheme That Approaches Capacity In Massive MIMO Applications Shlomo Rakib (Cohere) Member Content
Session: Exploiting mm Wave, our New Bands
Chair: Andrea Goldsmith (Stanford)
3:30 Implications of Millimeter: Wave on 5G System Design Dr. Robert Heath (UT Austin) Member Content
4:00 The Engine for 5G meeting IoT: mmW CMOS digital radio and Antenna Dr. Joy Laskar (Maja Systems) Member Content
4:30 Advanced integrated radio and antenna solutions for mmWave communications Dr. Laurent Dussopt (CEA/LETI) Member Content
DAY 2 • Technical Program
9:00 Realizing 5G Devices and Networks Dr. Ken Stewart (Intel) Member Content
Session: Proliferating Infrastructure Challenges
Chair: Ali Khayrallah
10:15 SoftRAN Dr. Sachin Katti (Stanford) Member Content
10:45 Building the World's Slowest Wireless Network Luke D'Arcy (SIGFOX) Member Content
11:15 Wireless for Smart Infrastructure Raj Vaswani (Silver Springs Network) Member Content
Session: Proliferating Edge: Devices & Use Challenges
Chair: Rick Bahr
1:30 Limits to Designing Low Power Wireless for the IoE Dr. Earl McCune (Independent) Member Content
2:00 Thread: A New IPv6 Networking Technology for the Connected Home Dr. Jonathan Hui (Login required) (Nestlabs) NA
2:30 Innovative Wireless Technology and Use Dr. Dina Katabi (MIT) NA
Closing Panel
Chair: Rick Bahr (Stanford)
3:30 Smart Cities & Urban Deployment Opportunities Dr. Craig Barratt (Google)
Vijay Sammeta (San Jose/CIO)
Dr. Ali Khayrallah (Ericsson)
Dr. Robert Kavaler (Sensys)
Member Content (click presenter name)